Real Drama
Never knew such stories are for real. Always thought that these can only happen in shows.
Drama 1:
Boy and girl plan to get married 6 months later in May. Boy goes to work in another country while girl stays in the country to prepare for the wedding with his family. 3 months before the wedding, girl stops answering calls from boy and avoids him. Boy is puzzled and rushes back to the country on the earliest possible flight, only to discover that girl has been impregnated by someone else. Wedding is cancelled. Girl's mother could not accept that girl is carrying someone else's child and marrying some other guy. She dies 3 weeks before girl gets married to the other guy.
*On a brighter note, at least guy is responsible enough to marry girl after getting her pregnant.
Drama 2:
Boy and girl are a happy couple. Boy meets his ex one day only to discover that she is down with some terminal illness. Ex's mother asks boy to keep her daughter company to make her happy for her remaining days. Boy agress and lets ex tag along with him everywhere he goes, even when he meets girl. Boy tells girl about his predicament and seeks her understanding. But boy did not tell ex about his relationship with girl for fear that it will aggravate her condition.
*On a brighter note, at least boy tells girl about ex rather than try to hide what he is doing from her.
At 8:52 AM, This is Ed said…
Yeah boy, it's taiwanese soap opera material...
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