The Sands of Time Wait for No Man

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sweet Pink

I've finally succumbed to the F200. Yes, that's the pretty phone you see here! Its colour is sweet pink. Yup, so sweet..... I lurveeeee it! I guess I took a rather long time to decide on switching hp. It just didn't seem like me to be changing hps all the time. I always feel attached to my phone. After all, I go everywhere with it and it sleeps just beside my pillow. In fact, I felt a little sad that my W850i had to go. But I guess it's about time that 'brick' left my hands!

One friend cannot understand why I take so long to decide to trade in my old hp for a new one. It's not even expensive he says. He is one who has absolutely no qualms about switching hps. His logic: Since I cannot change my wife, the only thing I can change frequently is my handphone. I'm not sure if I should be happy for his wife.


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