Work Work
I expected to be working a lot when I came over to China, but I didn't think that it would actually be THAT much... I teach for 6 hours everyday except for Sunday! In fact, I was supposed to be working on Sunday as well, but the boss decided to give me and the students a break. I'm already halfway through this assignment, so I shall bear with the remaining 14 days!
When I first started the class, there were only about 30 plus students.... A very comfortable number. But right up to today, the number has skyrocketed up to 80 over! I'm no longer conducting a class, but more like a lecture! I've never taught such a big group of students before and it is really difficult to get everyone's attention. Previously I would use the white board for teaching, but with so many people, those sitting at the back could not see what I was writing. (don't forget that my board handwriting is adjusted to our Singapore classroom size) Thank goodness the classroom has a projector and microphone, so I now connect my laptop and use it for teaching. The only problem is that all my teaching materials are not on soft copy! So every night before my next class, I would be sitting in my hotel room, typing away......
Yes that's my life here in Jinan.... Which explains my long absence from my blog.... I haven't even been shopping much since I came!!! How can?!?!?!
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