The Sands of Time Wait for No Man

Friday, January 20, 2006

Perfect Match

I've never liked eating yam.... I cringe everytime my family celebrates a birthday at a chinese restaurant and they serve the yam basket..... Ulgh! How can anyone bear to put the vile thing into their mouths?! Funny thing is, I love eating the yam dessert or what we usually call orh nee.... It's like hot ice-cream! So yummy! Or maybe it's because they cook it with so much lard that it becomes so tasty!

An and Hanh brought me to eat taro (khoai mon) noodles some time ago.... It's known as bun quang, (sidetrack a little..... I've just realised that banh does not mean rice but cake.) and the noodle (bun) is pinkish-purple in colour! I think the colour makes the meal more appetising! But I can't really make out any difference in taste..... I've also had taro chips and taro ice-cream. I don't usually eat yam flavoured ice-cream in Singapore, but it is really starting to grow on me over here. A scoop of taro ice-cream together with a scoop of coconut ice-cream are the best flavours I can ask for..... Ahhh..... Heaven!


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