I'm down again... Have been sniffing non-stop for days, or should I say weeks. Ever since I was sick in China, I never fully recovered. It was like on and off coughing and sniffing. But the worst part is not that. Due to the excessive coughing, I've developed pain in my diaphragm. For almost one month now, I have not been able to sleep on my right side because it would hurt too much. Each time I sneeze or cough, it would hurt too. I avoid laughing too hard too. I've had an x-ray done, but my doctor says I'm ok. Everything's normal according to her. So I'll just have to bear with it for a little while more and hopefully the steroids she gave me will make it go away.
My doctor is one concerned mother. She knows that I'm a teacher, so each time I visit her, she would ask me math and science questions. The other day when I saw her, she asked me how to draw a 'line of best fit'. Then today, she wanted to know when is the best time to use which method of factorisation. Previously, when my sister, who is a journalist, saw her, she asked how she can help her sons improve their english. I wonder if my cheap medical bill today is the result of all these 'consultations'.