The Sands of Time Wait for No Man

Friday, August 29, 2008

I Am Cow

One of my naughty boys suddenly burst out in song before class began. I wanted to scold him but ended up laughing at the silly lyrics. I made him sing it again for me. Watch the video! It will leave you in stiches!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Randolph, The Greedy Dog

Do not be misled by the photos and think that Randolph ate my little cousin. Randolph is a human-friendly but not dog-friendly creature.
On a walk with my mother and together with two neighbours and their dogs, Randolph got into some kind of confusion/panic/anxiety that he bit the other Jack Russell on its neck. He refused to let go no matter how much my mother beat or scold him. He eventually released his not-so-fatal grip when my mother pried his mouth open. All that after the Jack Russell peed and pooed on the spot in fear! The other dog on the walk, a Dalmatian, just stood and watched the free show. Luckily, it didn't get into the neck wrestle as well. We still do not know what got into Randolph. He is usually so docile and friendly.
Anyway, after this incident, he got the stares from everyone in the family. Whenever we saw him that night, we would go "No more walk walk for you!", "Bad doggie!", "Naughty doggie!" or "Greedy doggie!" I mean, he tried to eat his own kind. Is he really that hungry?
By the way, the Jack Russell is fine. It did not bleed to death or anything dramatic. It just sustained some teeth marks on its neck, which by now should have healed. Phew! If not, Randolph would become "Randolph, the Murderer!"

Monday, August 18, 2008

I Look Like This

My sister made an avatar for me.

She thinks I look like this.

I think I need to go rebond my hair to look like this.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Class 1Y

Ok, so this is my form class in ACS (International). We had two exchange students from Japan (try to spot them!) so it was an opportunity to take photos. Don't think they have taken any before. This is not a very cohesive class. Just before I took over, the vice-principal warned that this is a "vicious" class. Yes, I think I now know what he means.
Case 1: Boy A pushes Boy B and B's shirt was ripped in the process.
Case 2: When anyone does something wrong, boy C would say "Bad boy". The class said they feel like a dog whenever he says that.
Case 3: Boy D's bag gets thrown around the class while he's in the toilet.
Case 4: Boy E found teriyaki chicken in his Crumpler bag while he is playing basketball during recess.
Case 5: Boy F pushes Boy G against a wall and G hurts his toe in the process.
Case 6: Boy H and Boy I put a waterbomb on new girl's seat.
Case 7: Boy J took Boy K's wallet and put it inside Boy L's bag.
Case 8: Not too many problems with the girls except for Girl M who is very 'heow' and other teachers have told me that older boys have told them she has a 'good figure'.
Case 9: Everyone thinks Girl N is a bimbo.
Case 10: Nobody wants to be friends with Girl O because she is always back-stabbing them.
All the above mentioned boy or girl may be the same person or otherwise. Go figure. I somehow don't remember us being so naughty. My previous form classes of 2E1 and 4E2 are angels compared to this!
If you think this is bad, according to their other teachers, it was much worse before. I'm just so glad that all these cases happened out of my class. But whether it occurred in other classes or in mine, I've still got to do a report when anything happens and give them pep talks. All the time. So much so that I'm running out of wise words and advice to give.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fly Away, Turtle!

During the National Day long weekend, I went on a service trip with my school's Interact Club. Our service was to the turtles, in Cherating, Kuantan. These poor helpless turtles are facing extinction due to their number one enemy - MAN!

Although we did not get the chance to see the turtles come to shore and lay eggs (it was low tide when we were there, but at least I saw a video of it!) , we were allowed to release hatchlings back into the sea. The turtle in my hands had only just emerged from its shell, hence it was super energetic and its flippers were flapping non-stop. Normally, we are supposed to cup the baby turtle, but our batch of newborns were moving so vigorously that we had to hold it by its shell.
Apparently, these babies have only 0.001% of survival in the big ocean. I secretly hope mine is that one out of a thousand. But I'm sure all those who released the turtles had that silent prayer for their own.

We visited a fishing village (above pics) to see how bullock-carts were used to bring the catch back to shore and how salted fish are made.

Our last stop for the trip was at a batik centre where we painted our very own turtle batik hankerchief. If you are wondering whether the turtles below were drawn by me, I'm sorry to disappoint, but it actually came from a mold. My job was simply to fill the empty spaces with the colours provided. No end product photo to show off my work of art. Let's just say it didn't turn out as nice as I imagined it to be.

Thursday, August 07, 2008


Quick update of what I've been up to:

1. More than a month of teaching at ACS (International) now. So far so good, but somehow, I feel my voice sounding coarser with each passing day.
2. I'm on the food/canteen improvement committee. I think they chose the wrong person to be on the team. I'm not much of a food critic and I believe I'm quite easy with food. The other people are complaining that the food is so bad, but I actually like it! At least for now, probably because I'm still relatively new and everything is quite refreshing for me.
3. I'm with the Interact Club and have already gone through the installation of new members and committee. Seems like quite a nice club since everyone is there to provide service of some form to the less fortunate.
4. Will be going to Malaysia over the National Day weekend with the club to clean the beach, release baby turtles back to their natural environment and wake up in the middle of the night to observe turtles coming to shore to lay eggs.
5. My worst fear has happened. I swallowed the rubber band used for holding my braces together. It was an accident! Wondering if it will get stuck somewhere inside my body? Or worse, be rotting in the deep ends of my intestines!